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Ochrana bazéna

Real time measurement of humidity in LED color scale

Quickly and accurately measures the current relative humidity in any indoor environment.

Automatically reflects relative humidity by changing the color gradient between blue, green and red color.

Uses multi-LED light system to transmit gathered information.

Notifies the level of relative microclimate humidity in real time.

Kde nakúpiť

Microwell microLIGHT+ is a unique LED technology designed to quickly and accurately transform current level of humidity into color. This way you can easily understand your current climate. Green light, just like on traffic lights, means that everything is ok. Red light alerts high humidity. Blue light simply tells you that humidity is too low so you can turn the your dehumidifier off and save on electricity.

Microwell microLIGHT+ is designed for accurate measurement and intuitive reading of humidity level present in indoor environment. Working on the principle of relative humidity reading, microLIGHT+ uses LED light to project color instead of a measured figure. The color moves in continuous gradient.

  • Blue LED light indicates a low level of relative humidity.
  • Green LED light marks an ideal range of relative humidity.
  • Red LED light indicates a high level of relative humidity.

Excessive humidity in living areas has a damaging effect on personal health, and it also affects living conditions at home. Moisture in the form of vapour condensation and general dampness is the main cause for the growth of mould, bacteria and bad odour. Prolonged exposure has a bad effect on personal heath and general quality of life.


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